Infrastructure and Regional Development.
State-of-the art infrastructure is a key building block of prosperity for any society. Northern Ireland requires a comprehensive programme of investment across a range of infrastructure including telecommunications, railways, roads and green infrastructure.
We believe in the retention of our current rail network, its expansion to other locations across the North and the building of world-class cycling infrastructure in our aim to see more cars off our roads to tackle the climate emergency we now face which is a challenge that all of us must meet.
The SDLP pioneered the introduction of City Deals for both Belfast and Derry & Strabane. City Deals will play a key part in ensuring access to training for young people, increasing employment and ensuring that our technology infrastructure meets the demands of the modern economy.
It is our wish that infrastructure protects and enhances the environment, supports economic growth and delivers more connected communities. We believe the SDLP holding the relevant ministry to this area is a great oppourtunity to see these aims through.
Our Infrastructure and Regional Development Policies.
SDLP Youth is campaigning for:
progress on infrastructure projects, such as the A5, the A6 and the Narrow Water Bridge.
a series of new developments in rail, such as an all-Ireland integrated rail system, a light rail system in Belfast, and re-establishing the rail line between airports an part of our regional aviation strategy.
the tackling of East-West economic disparity by investing more financial support into the West of the province and decentralising public facilities away from Belfast.
local government to bring forward an initiative working with private enterprise and young people to make driving lessons more accessible and affordable, especially in the case of young people on low incomes or from low-income families.
Translink to do more to accommodate young people and students, including lowering fares and including return journeys on YLink cards.
cities and towns to have a reliable and user-friendly integrated transport system to grow economic activity at a local level, cut fuel emissions and reliance on cars and to promote public transport as a healthy alternative.
phase 2 of the upgrade of the railway line to Derry to proceed without delay to achieve an hourly service and for the Department of Infrastructure to ensure that this vital work is ring-fenced against any budgetary cuts.
the creation of two Derry-Coleraine-Belfast express services either way during the week, and for the Minister for Infrastructure to give a guarantee on funding for the creation of new train stations to facilitate this.
all our elected representatives to actively seek assurances from the Northern Ireland Executive of their commitment to the completion of the proposed new A5 dual carriageway.
the Executive Office to spearhead this major infrastructure project for the North West of Ireland with resolve and determination.
the Minister for Infrastructure to devise a regional aviation strategy that prevents any of the three airports from undermining the economic viability of another.