SDLP Youth today announces its #OpenTheUK campaign to lobby the UK government to lift the visa requirements for Ukrainian citizens who are seeking refuge in the UK.

We strongly condemn the ongoing military aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine which will have steep, traumatic ramifications for Ukrainian citizens. We know there is a strong possibility of a severe humanitarian crisis, instability, and forced displacement of Ukraine citizens who simply wish to live in their country in peace and security.

Since the invasion commenced, many countries in Europe have acted swiftly to open their borders, and offer refuge to Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion and ongoing hostilities. The authorities in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova swiftly mobilised to receive Ukrainians and provide shelter, food and legal assistance. These countries and their Western European neighbours have lifted their domestic requirements for Ukrainians seeking to enter their countries to apply for and be granted visas. Our closest neighbour, the Republic of Ireland, on Friday 25th February announced it would join this growing international community, and lift its visa requirements for Ukrainian citizens. The European community has refused to insist on bureaucratic red tape at a time of crisis, but instead has united to provide sanctuary and stability for those who need it. In light of this solidarity which places people before borders, the actions - indeed, the inaction - of the UK is all the more jarring.

It is a source of great shame that the UK has not only refused to waive the requirement for Ukrainian citizens to hold valid visas to enter the country, but further has actively advised Ukrainians seeking to travel to the UK that visa applications are suspended. That the UK has opted to no longer accept visa applications, thereby denying a safe, legal route for Ukrainian citizens through Europe to the UK, is deeply disappointing, unjustifiable, and morally wrong.

We cannot fathom why the UK Government is essentially closing its eyes to the looming humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe. The UK is fast gaining a reputation as a country which closes its borders to people desperately fleeing conflict and persecution, an inhumane approach which we have watched applied to people fleeing from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and many more countries. We note that the Nationality and Borders Bill, still progressing through Parliament, represents an alarming reset of the UK asylum system, seeking to introduce a system which would breach international humanitarian and human rights law. The UK is at a crossroads in its treatment of migrants, and must now decide whether it will continue to treat those fleeing hostility with hostility of its own.

This is not a time for an ideological debate on immigration or asylum. Now is a time for action, and for countries to stand in solidarity with Ukraine, providing sanctuary for those who urgently need it. Practical support such as the lifting of visa restrictions and the opening of a safe and legal route for travel alongside a fast-track asylum process is required, otherwise the declarations of support to Ukraine are merely hollow gestures.

We believe that the UK Government must now uphold its promises and its obligations under international law, and commit to providing a safe harbour to Ukrainian citizens who seek refuge. As such, we call upon the UK Government to urgently implement the lifting of visa restrictions and the implementation of a safe and legal route to the UK.

Whilst the Northern Ireland Executive does not have legislative and policy competence for immigration matters, we call on the Northern Ireland Executive to pledge to welcome and assist Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict. Northern Ireland knows too well of the issue of conflict, of the instability and turmoil it invokes, and the need to secure a safe home and should act to provide sanctuary.

From today, our members will be contacting Government Ministers and MPs in support of the #OpenTheUK campaign. We warmly welcome the support of other organisations in this endeavour. 

We will be circulating this release as an open letter for which we welcome signatures. You can sign the
open letter here.

SDLP Youth